
Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Rogersville, NB (Nearby: Harcourt, Bass River, Renous, Miramichi, Blackville)

Rogersville, New Brunswick
E4Y 2T0

New Brunswick Tourism Region : Fundy Shore

Description From Owner:
  • In Kent C. on Route 480, 15 km E of Rogersville. The name derives from Acadie or Acadia, the name of the French colony which at different times through history included the Maritime provinces and parts of Quebec and Maine.
  • That name is credited to Giovanni da Verrazzano, the first European to sail from Florida to Newfoundland in 1524.
  • He is believed to have named the area Arcadia after a book by Jacopo Sannazzaro which was popular at the time. Arcadia refers to a mountainous area of ancient Greece where residents lived in peace and contentment.
  • With permission from 'New Brunswick Place Names' David E. Scott 2009

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