Dispersed Rural Community

Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Grand Falls, NB (Nearby: Drummond, Saint-André, Saint-Léonard, Aroostook, Perth-Andover)

Grand Falls, New Brunswick
E3Z 1A0

New Brunswick Tourism Region : St. John River Valley

Description From Owner:
  • Rapide de Femme : On Rapide de Femme Stream, a tributary of the St. John R., 5 km S of Grand Falls.
  • Tradition has this stream and its rapids named for a woman who poled a loaded dugout through the rapids when her husband failed; or for a woman who took a load across the river when some men refused.
  • The stream and rapids are shown by this name on an 1826 map and 1827 land plan.
  • With permission from 'New Brunswick Place Names' David E. Scott 2009

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