Frosty Hollow
Dispersed Rural Community

Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Sackville, NB (Nearby: Dorchester, Memramcook, Hopewell Cape, Haute-Aboujagane, Hillsborough)

Sackville, New Brunswick
E4L 1A0

New Brunswick Tourism Region : Southeastern New Brunswick

Description From Owner:
  • The place was called Mapleburg when the post office opened in 1910.
  • The community is in a low-lying area and the first frost of the fall season in the Sackville area is said to settle there. The name was changed to Frosty Hollow in 1828. Today Frosty Hollow is within the town of Sackville.
  • With permission from 'New Brunswick Place Names' David E. Scott 2009

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