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Your Host(s) : Municipal Administration

Alma, NB (Nearby: Riverside Albert, Elgin, Hopewell Hill, Petitcodiac, Hillsborough)

8 School Street
Alma, New Brunswick
E4H 1L2

New Brunswick Tourism Region : Fundy Shore

Description From Owner:
  • The community was settled in 1810 and in 1856 named for the 1855 Battle of Alma River, one of the first major engagements of the Crimean War (1853-56).
  • In 1855 the armies of Britain, France and Turkey landed in the Crimea and in September on their march towards Sevastopol defeated Russian forces at the Battle of Alma River.
  • Birthplace of Molly Kool.
  • With permission from 'New Brunswick Place Names' David E. Scott 2009

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