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Charlo, NB (Nearby: Dalhousie, Eel River Crossing, Balmoral, Nash Creek, Campbellton)

614 rue Chaleur St.
Charlo, New Brunswick
E8E 2G6

New Brunswick Tourism Region : Acadian Coast

Description From Owner:
  • The Micmacs called the place Toogamaskik, the meaning of which is not known. In a 1799 land petition the place was referred to as Little Charleau and in a land plan of 1825 as River Charles.
  • Local legend claims the names of the three adjacent rivers -- Benjamin, Charlo and Jacquet were given by three Quebec trappers who came here and each chose a river along which to lay out his traps.
  • An early settler, Charles Doucet, a founder of Petit-Rocher, 51 km SE, about 16 km NW of Bathurst, was nicknamed Charlo.
  • When the post office opened in 1885 the place was called Charlo Station. The village was incorpo rated as Colborne in 1966 and in 1969 as Charlo.
  • With permission from 'New Brunswick Place Names' David E. Scott 2009

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